
              Health, Energy and Body Excellence

Organisation Description:

Hebe (Our namesake) was the Greek goddess of youth, serving nectar to the Olympians.  While we cannot promise you youthful immortality, we offer the next best thing.

Using in-depth body composition statistics and individual plans we - as health professionals - aim to reduce metabolic age, improve fitness and increase general health through simple lifestyle changes.

Exhibitors: Lesley Patience and Laura O'Keeffe

Product or Service:

Enrol on our health programme today and work to maintain, or regain, you own youthful vigour and vitality. Appropriate for all ages, stages of fitness and schedules.

Pitching: Slot Confirmed

Website: Hebe Facebook Page

Contact Details: hebe2016@gmail.com

Organisation Description:

Summit is supplyiong solutions based on 'smart glasses' and other wearable solutions for healthcare and energy markets.  We are partnered with many of the world's leading digitil eyewear providers including Google, Vuzix and Jorjin.

Exhibitors: Chris Bryson

Product or Service:

Summit is developing a range of smart glasses based services including remote telepresence and augmented reality.  We are working with a number of software solution partners including Soluis, Augmate, Livecast, Trueconf and Mobilya, as well as developing our own custom solutions.

The team is led by Chris Bryson, who is a veteran of several successful technology startups.  Our global partner ecosystem allows us to provide an end-to-end service comprising hardware, mobile applications and cloud based services for a wide range of use cases,  We look forward to working with customers to address their hands-free computing requirements.

Pitching: Slot Confirmed

Website: http://www.summitwearable.com/

Contact: chrisbryson@summitwearable.com

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